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Volunteer State Seal of Biliteracyは、ナッシュビルの教育者が学習者の言語資産をサポートおよび祝うためにテネシーに賞プログラムをもたらした2018年に始まりました。 それ以来、この賞プログラムは州全体で拡大し、約1,000人の学生が40を超える参加校でSeal ofBiliteracy賞を受賞しています。 私たちは、学生、コミュニティメンバー、教育者が公平な実践と擁護において有能で効果的なリーダーであると信じており、私たちの仕事を通じてすべての利害関係者のための専門的および学術的リーダーシップの機会を拡大しようとしています。

Our Core Values

We believe that language matters for all students in Tennessee!

We believe that funding at the school or district level should not be a barrier for students and educators.  All award materials, support, and training are available at no cost for public and public charter schools in Tennessee. Independent and parochial schools are asked to pay a small annual fee to participate in the award program.  

We believe that all languages and communities are worthy of celebration and recognition.  All state and nationally recognized English language and World language assessments are eligible for the Volunteer State Seal of Biliteracy and we collaborate with state and national organizations to provide portfolio options for languages where assessments are not currently available.

We believe that language learning and community building is a lifelong journey. Through fostering discussions around equity, language, and resources across our state, we hope to encourage schools and districts to both recognize and honor the linguistic assets students already possess and to support additional pathways and coursework towards world language proficiency across our state from elementary through post-secondary.

We believe that educators are leaders and experts in their field. Our work is led and directed by active educators who see the need for additional support and opportunities for students across the state to pursue true multilingual fluency and to connect these assets with college and career opportunities after graduation.



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